Sunday, October 27, 2013

No Impact Blog Week 2 Post 5

(i wrote this earlier in the week, i was just having trouble posting it)

The end of the week has been just about the same as lat week, i biked one day out of three and i will push to ride on Monday. I feel like it is really nice trying to help the environment i feel like i am really accomplishing something! I said i would be trying to watch little amounts of TV but i have to watch the broncos game.  I though to one other idea, if I'm not biking i could try and get a carpool or give some one a ride to try and let off less gas.

No Impact Jason Week 2 Post 4

(i wrote this earlier in the week, i was just having trouble posting it)

So far the week has been good i have been pushing to try and use less power and watch less TV. I think the week is fine so far and I'm not the only one who is enjoying less power usage, my parents have been glad I'm doing this, for the energy bill and for myself, i have been getting outside a lot more and its a lot of fun. My parents have also liked my non paper towel ideas, we don't have to go to the store as much and buy paper towels. for the rest of the week i want to work on one more thing, I want to bike to school instead of driving, i know its just starting to get cold but i will try and do this as long as possible. another small issue with this idea is my sister, she wont always want to wake up early, like i said ill try.

No Impact Jason Week #2 post #3

I'm sorry i was having trouble posting earlier and i just fixed it

This week i am planing on working on using less paper and waist, i want to instead of using paper towels i will use cloths for m meals and snacks, I want to try and use no bottled water and drinks such as sodas or Gatorade, i also want to use the least power possible in my house by turning off un-needed lights as often as possible, and lastly i want to work on lower my amount of video screen watching like TVs and computers.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

No Impact Blog Week 1 Post 1

This is my first post and if you are wondering what this is about scroll down further and look at my intro. Some of the first small things i have done are: riding my bike to my friends houses (about a mile or two), i have been trying a lot harder to get my family to use one plate and cup for one day and they and eat everything that we get for breakfast lunch and dinner. i know these are small things but it is hard to try and get my family to do work with me on this project.

Introduction to the no Impact Blog

Hello everybody that is on my page thank you for coming and this is my into to my No Impact Jason Blog I am going to be working on making less and less impact on the earth. I read the book No Impact Man, by Colin Beaven. (If you came from one of my book review page skip to the *) this book is about the writer Colin Beaven and his family making the least impact possible trying not to use any kinds of paper or waist, they can not drive cars they walk or bike to their destination*. I will be posting a couple times each week about what i did to help the environment.